AFC Micro Salon Show 2025 : Save the Dates

Renewing a formula that lends itself to it, one place, two dates, three reasons to... visit the AFC Micro Salon and note the dates of the next edition : Thursday February 6 and Friday February 7, 2025, at the Parc Floral de Paris.

In conjunction with the Production Forum, dedicated to film and audiovisual production professionals - among other events offered by the CNC, the CST, the Ficam, Film Paris Région and L’industrie du rêve - the AFC and its Micro Salon devote these two days to the tools and know-how involved in making film images. This annual event, eagerly awaited by manufacturers, distributors, rental companies and service providers, as well as users and visitors, meets the need for convivial encounters and quality exchanges around their work.

Also of note is the 2nd AFC Awards, which will be presented at an exceptional evening event during the Micro Salon.